
A fabulous beach on Oahu, Hawaii. I wish I was there now...

Thursday, September 13, 2007


I'm really starting to get used to the idea of blogging as a means of communication--friends, family, staff, students, faculty. It's pretty fun! My main concern is about listing too much personal information on the blog. This might be "the glass is half empty" kind of comment, but it is inevitable that someone will negatively take advantage of people/information--especially through the Internet. I know individuals who post all kinds of personal information on MySpace. While I think it's a great tool people can use to keep in touch or make new friends, I would not feel comfortable posting that kind of information for the world to see. Additionally, people can totally misrepresent themselves. To me it seems that people are using the Internet more to socialize, which is good, but there comes a point that they should get off their computers and try to physically interact with real humans. (Don't get me wrong, people can misrepresent themselves in-person, but it doesn't seem as easy as through the Internet.) However, the Internet can open up the entire world for some people who may not live in a large city, which is a positive. They can then experience people, places, and things they didn't know existed before.

Hmm... Just stuff I think about.

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